Friday 10 January 2014


I know its been a long time since my last post....I was just preoccupied with so many things at hand and my mind was bubbling with vapid energies..

I was a confused soul all my life. I was confused when it came to deciding my subjects in college, I was confused when it came to choosing my scooty, I was confused when it came to settling down in India or in abroad...gosh, why can't things be uncomplicated? why can't things be as easy as choosing between black and white? One thing I never seem to have understood all my life  is the concept of grey areas. I have tried to demystify the many contradictions and complexities of this so called concept but I never seem to have found my way out of the Maze. Worse so, I get entangled all the time.

I was a brilliant kid. People from various walks of life instilled their confidence in my sure-shot success. Fast forward, 10 years later, I am still entangled in that Maze :(

Since I cannot blame anyone for whatever has happened in my life, I can only blame myself. I am not infallible and I have many weaknesses since I am an ordinary human. My worst weakness is to live in the past and the ability to not let go of my horrific past. I tried, believe me when I say it, since I really have tried to forget and move on. But moving on seems so difficult. I have tried to gain a psychological perspective on this present little mystery of my mind and I have come to realize that I am scared to move on. I am so used to people sympathizing with me, that I have lost that fire in me to progress.

After couple of weeks of meditation, I am addressing my demons. But, one step at a time. Hey, that counts as progress as well. Doesn't it? I have made a list of my personal and professional goals for a period of 90 days and I am already onto goal one and it feels good to accomplish something however, small it maybe. It boosts one's confidence. Trust me on that. I can personally vouch for it.

So, if you are stuck in a rut like me and want to make a positive change in your life, then I'd suggest now is the time. Take couple of day's time off of your schedule. Keep a pen and paper handy, meditate on your life, note down all your dreams and aspirations. Make a to-do list and start working towards your goals. It is as simple as that. Also, do not forget to evaluate your progress every week. It helps you to stay focused.  Hope, this year bridges the gap between expectations and reality and here's wishing you your first step towards success :)

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