Sunday 17 April 2016

Day 2

Day 1 was not so bad, except for one minor GLITCH. Well, I had shrimp and wild rice pilaf for dinner, and not tomato rice and potato as mentioned. Raed wanted to make it up to me for the fight we had earlier and we went to watch Jungle Book and dinner post that. (More on Jungle Book in other post). Did I mention, the new Garlic Shrimp Combo by Red Lobster is to die for! Anyway, back to day 2.

Day 2:

I started off the day by having a cup of chai, and a few krackjack biscuits to go along with it. (6, to be precise).

For lunch, I had the leftover tomato rice and potato fry from yesterday. I was too lazy to cook, today being a Sunday and all, and also, by the time I slept last night, it was around 3 AM. And a girl's got to have her 8 hours of booty-sleep, you see. (You see what I did there, booty-beauty :P).

However, taking inspiration from the garlic shrimp from yesterday, I sauteed some mushroom with garlic in butter, and dare I say, it was heavenly. I am going to try this combo with potato and cauliflower and see if it's any good.

I am planning on avoiding evening chai. I have such weird craving for feta cheese and spinach bread. These food cravings and me, we have a long history together.

For dinner, I might just order in something, since I have a ton load of school work to do.

PS: Shrimp and Fish is considered as vegetarian in some parts of India. Well, I'm just saying!  

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