Tuesday 9 October 2012


Getting cheated hurts and more so, if its the one we love who cheats us. The pain and agony is indescribable.
People ask us to move on, but moving on is not easy. The memories haunt us day in and out. Its not so much about the person but the pain they have bestowed upon us that hurts us more.

All have asked me to forgive and get on with my life but I cannot seem to. Why should I forgive him for what he has done? He has traumatized and scarred me for life and how can I simply let him go without even making an attempt to make him suffer? I am not the old sati savitri types. I want my justice and he has to pay for his deeds.

There was a time when he made me question my sanity. I was so in love with him that I believed every word he ever uttered and the end point was he made me a sacrificial sheep and for that I cannot ever forgive him.

I never wanted to see someone hurt in all my life but I want him hurt and hurt bad. Him, his sister, his mother....all the people who made me suffer, I wish they fall in the same pit they pushed me into.

Its been bloody 3 years and I still am unable to get out of the trauma. I think I will get my peace of mind only when he is punished for his deeds. Why is that the people who are so close to me seem to ignore this very fact. Why should I be patient? Has 3 years brought any change in his attitude? He is the same old jackass that he always was and there is not going to be any change in the future as well.

I need closure. I need comfort. I need peace. Period. All of it only can be attained only if he pays for what he has done to me. The very thought of his punishment brings a smile onto my face and I can feel the old me returning back to me. Who says revenge is bad? I say its justice, not revenge. And he very well deserves what I have laid out for him and his family. God I hate him with all my heart and soul and I wish he and the people associated with him face the worst kind of pain possible.


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