Sunday 18 November 2012

Letting go...

Why does letting go of certain people or things become so difficult? Why cannot we be practical and assess the pros and cons of a situation and let go of people for heavens' sake?

I am a specimen or an antique piece or whatever you call and I feel no shame or regret or remorse in accepting that fact.

I sometimes feel that its better to love materialistic goods and animals or plants than caring for or loving fellow human beings. At least these goods and pets do not have the uncanny ability of making you feel worse or dejected or terrible still guilty.

Why is wanting people in your life such a bad thing? You meet someone, have the deepest of feelings for them and they reciprocate the same but....yes, there is always a but....either they are taken or you are. Despite knowing that you are perfect for each tend to look for ways to back out. Why do we do that? Is it the fear of shunning that you would experience from the society or the fear within...that you would grow up, once that person walks into your life?

I, at this altar in my life have 2 roads to choose... and I think I have made up my mind this time...and there is no place for regrets or remorse later.

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